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All About Interactive Notebooks
What is an INB?

An Interactive Notebook is not only a resource for students to us but it is also a tool to engage their minds and set the foundation for the content so that they not only achieve mastery this year in your classroom but have the solid foundation for years to come!

The most often asked question that I receive is, “Where Do I Start?” When I first started my Interactive Notebooks there wasn’t as much information on the internet as there is now and I had to just jump right in with both feet and know that I was going to make mistakes.

All Things Interactive Notebook Webinar Recordings


To help teachers ease into this I recently hosted a webinar that answered the TOP 20 most asked questions including how to get started. You can view that webinar here.

Planning for INBs in the Classroom

(Hint: You may want to subscribe to my YouTube channel as videos are being added regularly to supplement your classroom.)

Taking Time for Interactive Notebooks

taking time for inbs

Are you having trouble figuring out how you will plan your class periods to most effectively use INBs with your students? Check out this blog post  to see how I most efficiently use a 42 minute class period.

**Now also includes a FREEBIE schedule for you to download and use for a 45 or 90 minute class period.**

Interactive Notebook FREEBIES from 4mulaFun

Planning Pages  –  Unit Tabs  –  Rubric  – INB Contract

Need More Ideas?


Check out my Flippables and Interactive Notebooks Pinterest board for ideas that I have found around the internet (as well as a few other collaborators).

inb linky

May 2013 INB Linky Party
June 2013 INB Linky Party
July 2013 INB Linky Party
August 2013 INB Linky Party
September 2013 INB Linky Party
October 2013 INB Linky Party

Flippable Fun For All Cover Photo

Want to learn more about Interactive Notebooks in person? Check out my Workshops page and find a workshop near you. Not a workshop near you? Contact me about coming to your area! I’d love to Interact and Engage you and your teaching friends in a workshop built just for you!


Looking for some One-on-One training or even possibly some Small Group Training and can’t afford to have me near you? Check out my Workshops via Skype for more information on a CUSTOM workshop just for you or your small group!